Yangyi Shi

Color Scientist, Vision Scientist, Computer Scientist, PhD Candidate.

This summer, I am working as a Vision Scientist Intern in Apple Inc.

I am a 4th-year PhD student in Vision Lab at Northeastern Univeristy

I am a color vision scientist with over five years of experience in psychophysical vision and audition research. Doing psychophysics is always a lot of fun! My current research interest is suprathreshold perceptual scaling and pedestal discrimination of different color directions, focusing on how to model display luminance and perceived brightness in cone contrast space. One thing I would always address is display calibration. Studies cannot be done well enough without careful calibration of devices.

I did my undergraduate in Computer Science at Chongqing University, China. I enjoyed taking classes in algorithms and data structure. The knowledge and experience I gained in those classes have always led me to find more efficient solutions to problems. Other classes such as computer systems, computer networks and computer graphics, helped me build a solid theoretical understanding of computer science. I have also gained a familiarity with many programming languages and frameworks through working on different hands-on programming projects. Specifically, I have expertise in languages like Python, C++, MATLAB, and R.

After I graduated, I became interested in vision science and have been doing psychophysics research for five years. I first joined Prof. Robert Sekuler's lab at Brandeis University, where I got my master's degree. Then I came to Prof. Rhea Eskew's lab at Northeastern University. Right now I am a Ph.D. candidate and working on my thesis projects. I enjoy applying my CS skills in solving experimental design and data analysis efficiency problems.